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Josephfer Williams Jr.

Casual but Not a Casual

Hello, and welcome to the Casual Sports Fan, my name is Josephfer Williams Jr. and I am glad you decided to stop by. Let me tell you a little about myself. I graduated from the Texas State University with a degree in Electronic Media and I currently attend DBU. I am a member of the GREATEST fraternity in the world, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. 


The reason that I created the casual sports fan is because I want to share the same thoughts that you would see from major sports blogs and major debate shows but from the perspective of someone who loves sports. I am a Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Cowboys fan, just so you know where my bias will be! I am a casual sports fan but not at the same time, if you ever want to debate, make sure to do your research because I am coming with mine!

Bio: Bio


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